A couple of very good friends of mine were sent a very mean letter from a church. That statement alone disturbs me. Someone from that church had to have time to kill on their hands to find my friends and then take the time to write and edit that letter. Wow, that was a lot of time and effort to put into a hate letter.
My friends are wonderful people, and I have known them for years. I even consider one my brother even though he's just a few months younger than me. So I take this a little more personal than I normally would. So, when I heard about this letter, I researched the church behind the letter and this is what I found:
A place that preaches hate more than any Mosque that I have been in to date.
I went through their future protest schedule and found an interesting trend. That this church preaches hate to any other church or organization that doesn't follow that bible the way that they interpret it. Wow. The depravity of some of the humanity amazes me sometimes....
In this list of future protests, I was astounded to see that the very next one is scheduled to be held at a funeral. The funeral of one of the very people that died so that these close-minded people could have the right to speak their mind. (Yes, it is a military funeral. They do not say what branch, but they give his rank and full name.) This schedule with each listing goes on to say why they are protesting each of these locations and dates. So what did this poor military man do to incur a pretest at his internment??? Was he gay and came out in the military? Doesn't say anything of the sort. Was he a rapist or other deviant? Nope. So what was his offence? He was born in the "Whore" state of Nebraska. HE WAS BORN IN NEBRASKA. Wow.
They go on to list various churches and to call them "Whorehouses". The biggest of which is the Catholic Church. In the current list, they currently are planning on not only holding protests at the churches, but also at Catholic high schools, universities, and seminaries. Really? How is this really going to help your cause? And just when were you planning on doing your sermon??? The website goes on to make the following statement: "And every time ANYONE puts even ONE PENNY in the collection plate, they are paying the salaries of the pedophile rapists WORLDWIDE! They are pari delicto - it is as if they raped the children themselves!" Wow, really? Am I included in that because I gave money to the church before the scandal got so bloody big? If that is the case, I am now responsible for giving money to an organization that allowed so really awful behavior from a minority of that organization. And I now have an equal part in the molestation of all of children ever touched by a Catholic Priest. Wow, a little money really does go far.
They are also scheduled to protest at the Harley-Davidson Breast Cancer Awareness Ride. (Now that really takes some gumption.) The author goes on to call them a "Hapless bunch of boobless-bitter-biker-bitches." Makes me wonder why he's noticing the lack of boobage. He then spews more hate by saying that they caused their own cancer and how they deserve what they get. Really?
I really am not sure why they feel the need to protest the national pastime, baseball. But they do have a protest scheduled for the Cardinals/Rockies game. I guess their schedule had a hole and they wanted an excuse to go to the game.
I just don't understand how someone can preach such hate and claim to love and follow God. It disturbs and saddens me. God tells us to love our neighbor and to not judge him. Yet in every single post from that church, that is what they are doing. They even plan on protesting at the White House (President Obama is referred to as an "Anti-Christ Beast Obama") and the Supreme Court ("And the Supreme Court has the rectal blood of millions of children smeared on their robes.") They are protesting at the White House because they believe that Obama is the Anti-Christ, and the Supreme Court because they are Catholic. The author goes on to say that any and all Catholics are molesters. Wow. Really??
This group has even go so far as to travel to Iraq to preach and spew their hate. That takes a rare form of human -- to go half way around the world to tell the people of another country that their religion and way of life is all wrong and that you hate them for it. Really? Wow. No wonder the Persians don't like us if they think that we are all like these protesters. That we would let such people to speak, let alone go off to another country and spew such hate.
We Muslims are starting to be attacked more and more (The college student allegedly attempting to murder the taxi driver that was driving the student's drunk self home in New York is a very good example.) I am growing concerned for the safety of all Muslims in this country.
I guess that all we can to is pray for all of those that wish others harm.
In the meantime, have a lovely day.
I am an Irish, English, Scottish, and German descendant who was raised by a Protestant Mother and Catholic Father. I have attended many churches and cathedrals, but have recently found great peace and comfort in Islam. This blog is about my life and trials in converting to Islam. The politics surrounding the Muslim community as I see them, and other things that surround and effect my life.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Hello All
Where do I start? I converted to Islam in October of 2009. Some could say that that day is my birthday as I have changed many things about myself since. This is just another change for the growing me and a chronicler of the changes that I have/will incur.
I was born to a Protestant mother and a Catholic father who battled daily and then divorced by the time I was seven. I ended up being raised by my mother and seeing my father rarely until well after I was 18. I was baptized into a Protestant religion around 18. Then baptized into Catholicism in 2001.
I have always been fascinated by religion and the differences and similarities of them all. (Something else that I will be exploring with this blog from time to time.)
To say the transformation that I have been going through has been easy, would not be true. One of my biggest obstacles has been giving up pork. Never been able to do ham, but bacon, breakfast sausage, and other pork products were common to almost a daily basis growing up. (I'm almost half German for goodness sakes. I never liked beer, but I frequently had proper German sausages. And that is what Germans are mainly known for food-wise, beer and sausages.)
I don't always wear the hijab either. I've lived nearly 40 years of my life not need or was required to wear such a thing. But I have to admit, I love how the hijab covers my unruly hair. I can easily say that my best hair days have glad come about because of the hijab.
So, in closing, I guess this blog will be about the daily struggles of conversion, my personal view of politics, food, and all other things related.
In the meantime, have a lovely day.
I was born to a Protestant mother and a Catholic father who battled daily and then divorced by the time I was seven. I ended up being raised by my mother and seeing my father rarely until well after I was 18. I was baptized into a Protestant religion around 18. Then baptized into Catholicism in 2001.
I have always been fascinated by religion and the differences and similarities of them all. (Something else that I will be exploring with this blog from time to time.)
To say the transformation that I have been going through has been easy, would not be true. One of my biggest obstacles has been giving up pork. Never been able to do ham, but bacon, breakfast sausage, and other pork products were common to almost a daily basis growing up. (I'm almost half German for goodness sakes. I never liked beer, but I frequently had proper German sausages. And that is what Germans are mainly known for food-wise, beer and sausages.)
I don't always wear the hijab either. I've lived nearly 40 years of my life not need or was required to wear such a thing. But I have to admit, I love how the hijab covers my unruly hair. I can easily say that my best hair days have glad come about because of the hijab.
So, in closing, I guess this blog will be about the daily struggles of conversion, my personal view of politics, food, and all other things related.
In the meantime, have a lovely day.
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